[S13E16] Last Gasp
I loved this one, pretty much from start to finish. Kinda meanly stereotyped Garcia's replacement and Prentiss' partner, but Anita, especially was great and I liked Garcia's temporary new boss too. The Mulder/Scully sendup I can't really comment to because (gasp!) I never watched the XFiles. But I LOL'd at Reid's class. Every single one of those women had the same starry-eyed look (because of him) as I do :) (whoa, that grammar sucked.....)
[S13E16] Last Gasp
I sure hope those who think Barnes will be back to try to inject some sense into this arc are right, because right now, I can't figure out why we were put through it. An evil entity appears from out of nowhere, 'does evil' for a while, and then slinks back...and we're done? Nothing about why? Nothing about who put her up to it, or why the director gave her free rein, or to whom she was texting? So much untold story, and hardly an arc worth investing in, without that untold story.The positives: If we were to see Reid teaching, I wanted to see swooning, and there it was. And thank you, Reidfan, for that screen capture of him with Henry's picture, just the tiniest nod to what happened last year. By itself, the case could have made for an interesting regular episode.That's pretty much it. Random thoughts: I couldn't understand how the team members managed to get time away from their new jobs so that they could still do their old ones during work hours. While the senator might have had some (unspecified) oversight standing re: the FBI, it's odd to think that would have extended to him knowing a)Emily Prentiss and b) that she'd been removed from her command. The humor was okay, but I think they could have gotten the same effect by having the characters posit what they might have been doing if they weren't in the BAU, without the whole Linda Barnes thing. I was an X-Files viewer back in the day, and have seen some of the recent episodes. They did a much better send-up of themselves earlier this year.
Wrote this before I saw Norm's post. Amen to everything in it, especially the notion that there is no way the BAU didn't try to fight the reassignments, or at least vet if they were really approved by the director. If I'd been writing this, I would have begun this episode immediately after the last, where the BAU is in fighting spirit and making plans. Instead, we have the implication that they've simply acquiesced and been at their new jobs for two weeks, and sort of accidentally came together around a case. So odd. In 'reality', Emily would have gone back to Interpol, as had been her plan before Reid stopped her. He could have taught anywhere, or done virtually anything he wanted. Garcia could have started her own tech company, Tara moved to an academic or other law enforcement position. The only thing I could see as remotely plausible was Rossi, consulting on the filming of one of his books.
Wrote this before I saw Norm's post. Amen to everything in it, especially the notion that there is no way the BAU didn't try to fight the reassignments, or at least vet if they were really approved by the director. If I'd been writing this, I would have begun this episode immediately after the last, where the BAU is in fighting spirit and making plans. Instead, we have the implication that they've simply acquiesced and been at their new jobs for two weeks, and sort of accidentally came together around a case. So odd. In 'reality', Emily would have gone back to Interpol, as had been her plan before Reid stopped her. He could have taught anywhere, or done virtually anything he wanted. Garcia could have started her own tech company, Tara moved to an academic or other law enforcement position. The only thing I could see as remotely plausible was Rossi, consulting on the filming of one of his books.
Even if that is the case, though, I do grant that there could've been better ways to show that over these last few episodes, so we wouldn't think she was just on their case for the hell of it. And those of you saying the team would've fought their new assignments right away is a good point, too. I think a big issue is that the show's not really been revealing a whole lot about the types of stories they're telling this season, the way they have in the past-maybe if somebody came out and indicated one way or another whether this story would for certain be continuing, that would help a little.
Not sure how to select portions of a comment. My comment is in reply to the bit about Vangsness interview. I think past history of both Messer's 'promises' and 'vision' and the fact that CM has always been pretty awful at actually following up on any sort of storyline. Thats been very evident over the last few seasons. I mean we've had basically nothing which could merit being called a follow up to a most traumatic event suffered by one of our core team, despite assertions by Miss Messer. We had a mole last season. I'd be confident we are never going to hear about that mole ever again. And on and on. I dont know if they forget about what they write or think we will or both. Basically, I would not be so confident that there will be any further follow up on Barnes.
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The BAU team has a tighter than normal deadline to reach South Dakota, the last known whereabouts of Mr. Scratch. They must leave Quantico in 10 minutes. Emily Prentiss delivers the titular line for this episode: "Wheels up in 10." However, they run into trouble because the brainy supervillian has figured out how to keep the wheels of their Gulfstream jet from engaging. Will they survive a crash landing in the Badlands? 041b061a72